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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Deb Torrens-Semler

Prayers for my family, concerning my mom's two youngest siblings, Roger & Jim Rife.

Jim was in a rollover semi accident in October & not expected to survive, but he did (with major physical and cognitive impairments) and we're blessed to still have him with us.

Roger was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last year, battled, and was declared cancer-free in March. In a cruel twist of fate, Roger broke some ribs in a fall in April, which caused a hernia that was not diagnosed until June. They operated to repair it, but he never really regained consciousness and died nearly three weeks later.

These two were the best of friends and constant troublemaking companions; the family called them "The Little Boys". We've been on a roller coaster of good news one day/horrible news the next.

Thank you for your prayers,


Received: June 29, 2021

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