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I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Samuel Massey

For Anne and Lauren Dengler as they are on the front lines of medical care in this crisis, and for the entire Dengler family as they support these two. May they have peace and protection.

For all healthcare professionals, likewise on the frontlines, that they receive all they need to be safe as well as the meds and equipment They need to serve others as effectively as they want.

And for government leadership, that appreciates the riskiness of the current crisis, to prevail over those who want to ignore it.

And to bring into judgment and bring down all those who love money and power over providing compassionate leadership.

And for ordinary persons to be less foolish and self-centered so they don’t put others at risk.

And that at the end of all this, we shall be a people altogether different.

Received: March 28, 2020

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